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0:22 AM | Wednesday, March 9, 105

Child Care Staff Training For Residential Placement
149 pages
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Supplemental Child Care Staff Training
14 topics
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Out Of Home Placement Quality Assurance
47 pages
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The Clinical Intern’s Guide to Residential Treatment
13 topics
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Resolving Separation and Loss Issues in Out of Home Placements
32 pages
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Residential Treatment Welcome Booklet
18 pages
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149 pages
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Purchase the New Staff Training Format to provide residential treatment staff the skills necessary to become a competent child care counselor and representative of your agency. The format utilizes a variety of teaching techniques, including, handouts, role-plays and quizzes. Included with the format is a sample Staff Training Policy and Procedure Acknowledgment Form and an On-The-Job Training Guide.
At the time of order the format will be e-mailed to the purchaser in zipped format. The New Staff Training Format is designed to be downloaded to your computer. This convenient method of purchase enables the owner to incorporate current training materials into the format while customizing the format to reflect the agencies program statement, policies and procedures, resulting in a comprehensive training curriculum. It is suggested a new folder be created on the hard drive [C:] and titled New Staff Training. Each topic may then be placed in a separate file inside of the New Staff Training folder. The type font is Arial, font size is 12, please adjust your word processor settings before you begin to customize.
Format Topics Include:
- Regulatory Agencies
- Documentation
- Medical Procedures and Medication
- Safety and Emergency Procedures
- Behavioral Emergency
- Residential Counseling
- Behavior Modification
- Behavior Management
- Therapeutic Programming
14 Topics
The Supplemental Staff Training Topics provide continuing training for residential treatment settings. This information builds upon the knowledge staff gained during their initial staff training and orientation. This supplement can be utilized during in-service trainings or team meeting discussions. At the time of order the Supplemental Staff Training Topics will be conveniently e-mailed to the purchaser.
Training Topics Include:
- Behavior Modification
- Child Development
- Crisis Intervention
- Cultural Diversity
- Self Esteem
- Suicide Prevention
- Understanding Clinical Diagnosis
- Defense Mechanisms
- Maintaining Professional Boundaries
- Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs
- Power Struggles
- Teaching Client’s Appropriate Boundaries
- Transporting SED Clients
- Working With Hostile Clients
47 pages
An integral piece of residential treatment involves insuring a safe, clean environment for the clients of the agency. This Quality Assurance Plan creates a system of checks and balances designed to insure agency policies and procedures are followed. At the time of order the Quality Assurance Plan will be conveniently e-mailed to the purchaser. This convenient method of purchase enables the owner to customize their plan to reflect their agencies policies and procedures, as well as, the program statement.
Each Plan Includes:
- Shift Report Format for Weekday [AM/PM], Weekend [AM/PM], Sunday PM and Overnight Shifts
- Weekly Safety Check
- Weekly Food Monitoring
- Weekly Medication Monitoring
- Weekly Vehicle Inspection
- Monthly Fire Drill and First Aid Supply Check
- Monthly Licensing Review
- Quarterly Client Chart Review
- Quarterly Client Possession Inventory
- Quarterly Earthquake Drill, Supply Check and Food Rotation Plan
- Quarterly House Review
- Personnel Record Audit
- Client Interview Format
- Staff Education of Agency Services

13 Topics
The Clinical Intern’s Guide To Residential Treatment is a useful tool for the intern and the supervisor. The guide provides a foundation for the clinical intern. As a result, supervision time can be utilized to address clinical concerns. At the time of order the guide will be conveniently e-mailed to the purchaser.
Guide Topics Include:
- Writing Reports
- Clinical Treatment Plans
- Crisis Intervention Protocols
- Basic Skills Treatment Plans
- Psychosocial History
- Stages of Family Therapy
- Group Therapy
- Play Assessment
- Parenting Skills Assessment
- IEP Preparation
- IEP Goals and Objectives
- Discharge Review and Procedure
- Referral Guide
32 pages
The Separation and Loss Curriculum is based upon J. William Worden’s Tasks of Grieving. Worden’s tasks include accepting the reality of the loss, experiencing the pain of grief and adjusting to an environment in which the significant person is no longer present. This curriculum is designed specifically for youth who have been separated from their family and placed in a residential treatment facility. The curriculum has the flexibility to be used individually or in a group setting. At the time of order the Separation and Loss Curriculum will be conveniently e-mailed to the purchaser.
Curriculum goals include:
- The child will tell the story of their loss.
- The child will identify previous unresolved losses.
- The child will gain comfort and confidence in sharing about his/her family.
- The child will provide a basis for other group members to understand his/her stories and insights.
- The child will be able to process the conflict and/or tension in the home prior to placement in a residential treatment facility.
- The child will understand basic grieving process.
- The child will be able to process the trauma or upheaval of the residential treatment placement.
- The child will be able to identify and express emotions around the residential treatment placement.
- The child will be able to identify similar situations in peers’ lives.
- The child will be able to describe their usual reaction to frustration and conflict.
- The child will be able to evaluate their current reactions and consider alternatives.
- The child will develop a concrete plan of action to try out when frustration and conflict arise.
- The child will be able to talk about the families struggle relating to each other after the residential treatment placement.
- The child will be able to share his/her feelings around this struggle.
- The child will identify unrealistic hopes, dreams and fantasies in regards to the families current relationship.
- The child will begin to gain a more objective understanding or stance with regards to the families’ current relationship.

18 pages
The Welcome Booklet is an excellent addition to residential treatment facilities intake ritual! The intake process can be a traumatizing experience for a child who has been shuffled through the system. This booklet provides children who are in crisis with an effective tool for communication. It is also a valuable resource for clinical or support staff during the admission process. The booklet provides an orientation to the residential facilities daily schedule, rules and personal rights while gathering important treatment information. At the time of order the Welcome Booklet will be conveniently e-mailed to the purchaser.